Friday, 5 July 2019

Term 1 & 2

These two terms have been a lot of fun. We had Hanmer Springs camp which was a lot of fun, and I'm really proud of myself for climbing to the top of both trees. I competeted in the Kidslit competition, and although my team didn't win or get a place, the experience was good enough. 

I'm proud of myself for entering in the Friends of the Art gallery exhibit without procastinating. I also have been improving my basic facts, even just by a 2 or 3 second difference. 

Next term I would like to try and finish my work faster, and not let all the out of class things effect my that much. Maybe even do some at home.

Thank you Miss Hines for teaching us these 2 terms, and we will miss you a lot! Wishing you the best!

1 comment:

  1. Ki ora Hannah this is Leo from gisint in gisborne what a great goal you have set up I hope you achieve your goal soon From Leo go check out my blog sometimes.


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