Friday 13 May 2016

W2 T2 Reflection


For numeracy, I made a slide presenting my work in time zones.

I learnt how too compere time and figure out how many hours behind or ahead a country or city is too another country or city. We used this website too figure it out.

Literacy - writing

For literacy, we wrote a report about spiders because we are reading Charlotte's Web and there is a spiders called Charlotte in the story. I learnt about spiders and where they live.
Spider Report


Some spiders live on webs, and some don’t. An example is the Peacock spider which lives in trees, and the Tunnel spider that lives on a web.Spiders can live in holes, webs, trees and more different places. Spiders are found all over the world, every continent except Antarctica. An example is the white tail spider which is found in southern and eastern Australia. White tail spiders got bought to New Zealand, so you would also find them there.


Spiders aren’t insects, they're arachnids. They all have eight hairy long legs, which helps them hear and smell. They don’t have ears or a nose, but they have hairy legs that can sense vibration and loud sounds. They still have eight eyes that can see, so they know what they're doing. Some spiders are colourful and some are plain black, grey, white or brown. For example, the peacock spiders have a small rainbow tail, while the white tail spider has a long black body.

Life Cycle

The spider egg is laid, and they wait too hatch. Soon, the baby spiders hatch, and most look small and cute. For example, the peacock spider babies don’t have colourful coats, they have brown legs and body, not colourful tails. The babies grow up too an adult spider, then they mate. Some spiders have a dance they do to impress the females. If the female doesn’t feel impress, they will kill the male. If they feel impressed they will make babies. The cycle continues again from the start.

We used to make this brainstorm.

For topic, I made a slide about the time line of ANZAC soldiers. I learnt about the ANZAC timeline., and what they did in the war. I found it a little bit hard at the start, but I learnt a lot of facts in the war when I read the journal.


For art, we made ANZAC pictures. I learnt how too shade and blend with pastels. It was hard, but it got easier once I got started.


  1. Hi Hannah. Great art work there!I like the way you described the spiders. Good job, Hannah!

  2. Hi Hannah. Great art work there!I like the way you described the spiders. Good job, Hannah!


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