Wednesday, 31 August 2016


Angie's House
These few days have been very busy. The day after the birthday party, we went to Angie's house to see Isabel, Alanna and Joseph.

Funeral Day
The day after that was my Grandpa's funeral. We stayed there for six hours and had to wear these long cloaks. I was really sad and hope I don't have to do that again. We buried Grandpa's ashes under a tree at a special cemetery.
We went swimming at the same pool that we had Conrad's birthday party again with Conrad. There were less people and we went to the spa. The spa's in Taiwan are very different from Greymouth spa's. In Greymouth, you have to be 16+ to go in, and it is only a small warmish one. In Taiwan, you can go in at any age, and it is big with lots of different massaging machines and different spa's.

 Going To Angie's (Again)
All of these people are playing Pokemon Go! This is a Pokegym.
Today, we went to Angie's again. We took the MRT and Angie picked us up. There were a lot of people playing Pokemon GO on the streets and even in cars. When we got to the house, we sat down and played with Sandy the rat and Gizmo the Chiwawa. Soon, we had to leave because mum had Taipei Writers Group on. She had to get off before us, so Kyle and I went on the MRT ourselves and met up with Baba (our Dad).

Trip to Danshui

We took the MRT to Danshui. Danshui is an old city that once belonged to the Portuguese.

There were four dogs in this pushchair for pets!
We took a boat across the harbour.
This is Shimending. It is a place for shopping at night.

My Old School

Today, we went to my old school and saw my friends Kiki, Abby, and Vivi. Those are their English names that I remember, but Kiki said she changed her English name.

The back of my old classroom.
My old classmates. There were six of us.

The restaurant near my old house.

My school's tortoises.

The new pet place at the restaurant.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Where The Mountain Meets The Moon

Where The Mountain Meets The Moon - (Book review)

Author/illustrator: Grace Lin

Genre: Fantasy, Fiction, Children, Adventure

Characters: Ba, Ma, Minli, Flightless Dragon, Goldfish man, Goldfishes, The Man Of The Moon, Da-A-Fu, Magistrate Tiger, Green Tiger, Buffalo Boy, Jade Dragon.

This story is about a girl named Minli who goes to find the Man Of The Moon so she can ask him how her family can have fortune. On the way, she meets a dragon named Dragon that couldn't fly, so he was a flightless dragon. They go off togather to find out their own guestions, but little did they know, The Man Of The Moon can only take one question. Which question was it?

I would give this book a rating of  5  stars

I recommend this book for 8 ~ 12 year olds.
Image result for where the mountain meets the moon

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Taiwan 2

Day 3
 Today, we went to the hospital to worship (Bai Bai) A-gong (grandpa) which was two hours long.

After that, we went to a swimming pool and celebrated Conrad's birthday. We had two cakes and some chips. I saw Alanna, Isabel, Joseph, Ashkin, Nile, Conrad, and the parents; Jason, Angie, Jenny and Baylene. 

We saw a model and decided to photo bomb her.

 After the swim, we tried to get a taxi but walked home. We ate at Mos burger.

Eating at Mos Burger

Baylene, Jenny, Angie and Mum

Trying to catch taxi
Kyle, Conrad and Joseph (behind Kyle), Alanna, me, Isabel, Ashkin (behind Isabel) Nile 

Day 4 

Today, we went to the beach and played. We saw the same people as yesterday, but there was Max and Tori as well. We swam for a long time, then we found a sand bar! We stayed for hours, and go sun burnt. 

Me and Kyle have known most of them since we where little.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Taiwan 1

After a long plane trip, I finally landed in Taiwan. The first thing I noticed was the heat. It  is summer in Taiwan, so the air is thick.

Day 1
This is the day that I got to Grandma's. It is cooler here because of the air-conditioning and fans. We went to Carrefour and had sushi at sushi express. Then we went shopping and bought lots of food.


Day two

Day 2 is today. Today was super fun because we saw our friends, Alanna, Isabel and Joseph. We played higher lower on their iPad. We also went swimming for hours, but it was super fun. Than we had to go home and have dinner. (Mum forgot to take potos, so I can't show you much.)
Going to their house and waking them up!
Taiwanese toilets

Monday, 15 August 2016

Comment With Links

Today, Miss Panther showed us how to put a link in our comment.

Here is how you do it:

  1.  Write your quality comment
  2.  Go to Comment as: Hannah H (Google) and click the down arrow
  3. Now, click on Name/URL
  4. Type in your name and add your blog link like this

  5. Now, click Continue
And, of course, Publish (If it says I am not a robot, click the check. It might come up with click all the images with flowers or something.)

I hope you can comment with a link in your name now!

Week 3 Term 3 Reflection Numeracy

Numeracy: Fractions

This term, everyone is focusing on fractions. We made a slide that I shared before, which has my decimal things as well as my fractions. I watched videos and did some activities in till I understood it. It was hard to do fractions on a number line because I was confused about how to do it.  Here are some slides I've been working on.

Week 3 Term 3 Reflection Numeracy

Numeracy: Fractions

This term, everyone is focusing on fractions. We made a slide that I shared before, which has my decimal things as well as my fractions. I watched videos and did some activities in till I understood it. It was hard to do fractions on a number line because I was confused about how to do it.  Here are some slides I've been working on.

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Dustbin Baby

The name of the book is Dustbin Baby by Jacqueline Wilson. 

Dustbin BabyApril Showers (so called because of her birth date, April 1, and her tendency to burst into tears at the drop of a hat) was found in a dustbin when she was still new-born. She sets off to find the people who took care of her, and tries to find her mother. She finds a note on the dustbin near the pizza place, where she was found. Was it the man who found her, or her mum? 

I picked up the book, and read it when ever I had a chance. You start with knowing nothing about her, then you get more. When you finish the book, there is a lot you know about her.

Dustbin BabyI recommend this book to any age, really. But I think it would be best for 10+. 

Friday, 12 August 2016

Week 3 Term 3 Reflection


This term, we are focusing on Olympic tasks and learning about it. Over the last 3 weeks, I have finished 5 activities. Last week, I finished 2 of the activities: 2 Athletes, and one country. Now, I have more.

1. New Zealand Para-Athlete

My para-athlete is Anna Grimaldi. Here is the information that I have about her. When I saw her, I didn't think she had anything wrong with her. After some more reading, I learnt that she had Limb deficiency, which, according to Google, means 'Congenital limb defects occur when a portion or the entire upper or lower limb fails to form normally or does not form when the baby is developing in the uterus.' 

2. Inspirational story

For this, I did Shizuka Arakawa, a Japanese figure skater. I found it difficult to find all the information because the websites where written by Japanese people, so I had to read it carefully to find out.

3. Compare and contrast: History

For this, we SMRFed a Google Drawing. We read an article that gave us a lot of information, than we watched two videos. We used the facts in there to find out about the history. The intrestingest fact I leart about the Ancient Olympics is that it was named after where it was always held (in the past), Olympia. Olympia is a place where a stadium is, and where all the games were held. There were only 6 sports! One thing that is the same is the Olympic flame.