Monday, 31 December 2018

Somethign Smells Fishy

Fish Fact #1: The oldest known fish in the world is a 65 year old Australian lungfish. FALSE (90 years old)
Fish Fact #2: Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids. TRUE
Fish Fact #3: Starfish are a type of fish. FALSE
Fish Fact #4: Fish communicate with each other by making low-pitched sounds (moans, hisses, etc) FALSE
Fish Fact #5: Fish usually swim together in groups called ‘classes.’ FALSE

Sunday, 30 December 2018

Scaling New Heights

1. how did you have enough energy to climb mount everest?
2. What's it like to be called 'Sir' and how did it feel being knighted?
3. What was it like sleeping on Mt. Everest?
4. What was the scariest part of the climb?
5. How much food did you take?

Saturday, 29 December 2018

Going, going….gone

What it's like to live in Greymouth.

Greymouth is pretty quiet and small compared to other places i've been to. I remember in Taiwan there are lots of High school students who eat dinner at 7/11 and other convinence stores at 9pm without their parents. Here in Greymouth, we can see our parents a lot and have lots of time after school for other activities (I just stare at my plants). There aren't many places to do shopping, which is a good and bad thing. Good because for me that means more excitement when going out to bigger cities to do shopping, and bad because then theres not much of a variety of things to buy. 

It's very likely you'll see a few people that you know when walking around Greymouth, and my family usually end up talking for ages and even going to each others houses. 

Sunday, 23 December 2018

(day 2)

I would like to see Tane Mahuta because the walk looks easy, and I can see something special at the end of the walk. I've never been to Northland so it would be cool to go there for the first time.

Football Ferns

Black Ferns

Silver Ferns

I don't really like any of them, but if I had to choose i'd choose the Football Ferns because the sleeves look more comfortable than the others.

This is stupid because in the deserts it doesn't rain 3 ml everyday, it hardly ever rains. I have a cactus at home, and I have to soak it every 2 weeks. But let's imagine.

There are 365 days in a year, so 365x3= 9195ml/year

Friday, 21 December 2018

Ice, Ice baby (actiivity 3)


I know I'm still on day one but I'm very lazy.

Happy Holidays

Thursday, 20 December 2018

Hometown (activity 2)

Keelung (Taiwan) is my hometown, but I live in Greymouth. So I'm just going to do the task on  Keelung.

A special thing about Keelung is the harbour, which is very popular. It became one of the busiest in the world during the 60s and 70s. The fish market is also very successful. There is a museum near the harbour, which has information about the bay. I really like the museum, especially the model ship where you can pretend you are a salior on.

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Top 3 Fun Facts

1. Just under a third of New Zealand is made of forest.
2. God Save the Queen and God Defend New Zealand are the two national anthems of New Zealand. (I didn't actually know this, I've never heard of God Save the Queen)
3. We don't have any snakes in New Zealand.
An extra one I wanted to add is that hamsters are illegal here! I was disappointed when I moved here because my mum said we could get a hamster, and we really like hamsters. 

Friday, 23 November 2018

Country studies

Today we started some country studies. We got to choose from 10 countries: Australia, Canada, Chile, England (United Kingdom), Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico,

South Africa & United Arab Emirates.

I obviously decided to do Japan because i'm kinda interested in Japan, plus my grandma is half Japanese, so i guess that makes me an eighth Japanese, which is not much but still.

I've only been there once but I don't even remember going since i was a baby and it was only for a wedding. One day i would like to go around Japan.

Here are some random facts about Japan I learnt!

I learnt that Japan is made of 6852 islands which is A LOT of islands.
Japan has over 50,000 people who are over the age of 100.
685 kids were rushed to hospitals in 1997 after an intense Pokemon episode that caused dizziness, vomiting and seizures.
Theres such a low birthrate in Japan that there are more adult diapers sold that baby diapers.

Friday, 2 November 2018

Raising The Flag

Yesterday, we did an activity called raising the flag. Everyone got into 9 groups of about 3-5. Mr. Wood gave us 10 minutes to plan our pole and flag. We got 5 metres of paper, some tape and string. We were not aloud to get other materials. Jessie, Megan Wyatt and I named our group Disqaulified.

Today, Mr. Wood decided that we would do it again. Great.

This time, nearly everyone did what Mr. Wood and Bree had done, but changed it a little. Ours did even worse than last time.

Friday, 19 October 2018

aluminum boats

This morning, Mr Wood gave us a task (whoa). In a group of three, we had to design and construct a 'boat' that will hold the most glass beads out of everyone. 
Jessie, Wyatt and I got into a group and started coming up with designs. In the end, we decided to use jessies design of a canoe looking boat. Of course, the end product looked NOTHING like what we had planned. Instead it looked like a stand-up taco shell! 

Everyone got to vote for the boat they thought would work best, then we put them into the water and add beads in. The most successful boat (ss brainboat) only had 1 vote but held 70 beads. Our group was second (hms taco) with 47 beads.
names, votes and scores

Everyone was then sent off to redesign, using either ss brainboat or hms taco as they're example (trying to make the designs work better i guess). 

Our first boats bottom was flat, like... an open cup?? so we changed that so the bottom was bowl like. 

The second go we only got 40, but that could've been because the beads were wet. 

It was lots of fun, and the first boats were the funniest.

Monday, 2 July 2018

Empires of the Indus: The Story of a River

Image result for empires of the indus the story of a river

i've started to read the book Empires of the Indus: the story of a river. I found the book when I was cleaning my room and decided to look at our family bookshelf. there were a lot of cool looking books there, and this is the first one i chose to read. I'm not really sure what i'm reading about (and i haven't even read chapter one, just the preface), but it seems like a really interesting book and i'm kind of excited to read it. I'm not even sure what the Indus is yet because the author never said what it was, or I wasn't focusing while i was reading it. i'll see if it says anything.

From what i've read, the book is probably going to be about the history of Indus and/or what the author experienced and learnt in her two years of living in Delhi. I've only read the preface, and i've already read so much that i'm confused. I think I'll need to stop and think about what I read a lot.

When I was reading, I sort of thought of when my mum used to read the History of the World series to me, and I learnt a lot. maybe I should continue those (if there are any left) by myself or with my brother, since she is busy a lot now.

(is this too much because i don't know)

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Ballast 2 - maths!

Yesterday, we tried doing the maths puzzle ballast. That time, we could choose any numbers that we wanted. Today we did the same puzzle, except the numbers were already chosen. we had to find the part of the boat that would sink. Here are the numbers.

I tried doing the first one by writing all the possibilities down in my book, like 2x3, 2x4, 4x5 etc. Then i added the other numbers: if I was trying 2x3, i'd add 1, 4 and 5 together. The answers to both of those weren't the same, so I tried the rest. none of those worked either so that meant that one is the part that would sink.

Now i did the same with the second and third parts, and there were answers.

I think this puzzle was really fun and it took me while to actually understand what I was supposed to do. It took me ages to find the answers to the problem, and I was really confused when the first one didn't have a possibility because I forgot there was one that didn't work. 

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Ballast 1 - maths

Today we tried a maths puzzle called ballast. I chose five numbers: 3, 5, 0, 2 and 4. The problem is all about balance. on side of the boat its multiplication and the other side is addition, and in the end the total numbers have to be the same.

2 x 4 = 8, and on the other side 0+3+5= 8 as well! and yeah that's how I did the puzzle!

Heres a template if you want to do it by yourself:

Friday, 15 June 2018

maths pickle: blotch!

This week we have been trying out different ways to solve a maths pickle activity blotch. I found it very confusing and difficult to do in the beginning, but near the end I think i finally understood it. 

The first puzzle had 25 blocks. I tried solving it by using 5 and 20, but of course that didn't work. When you colour the number in (in this case 5), you had to surround it. then, if the number of squares that were surrounding it weren't the same as the number (5), colour some other ones. Then I did the same with 20, that didn't work so I used 18 instead and YAY it works!

It was really difficult because sometimes both numbers had to use the same blocks to surround them and that wouldn't work. 

The finished page wasn't very attractive because I kept choosing different numbers after I already started coloring in the blocks.

Friday, 1 June 2018

week five term 2!


this week for writing, Mr. Wood told us to try and write a 50 word story. I found this really fun because I already had an idea of what I was going to write in my head. my first try had 79 words which is very far from 50 :") because it was so long, I had to try and shorten it. it was very hard to get rid of words and make it 50 words long and I only managed to get rid of 10. Here are my first and second tries!


this week we also did a lot of maths work. I learnt how to subtract and add fractions. here is a slide with how to do subtraction with fractions!!