Monday, 27 February 2017

T1 W4 Electronics

Today M1 had an electronic lesson with Andrew.

Here is a video me and Megan made of what we learnt.

We also learnt about safety near electricity:

Safety near electricity
Tightly closed water bottle
Turning off when not using it
keeping out of mouth

Danger near electricity
Eating batteries
water all over electricity

Friday, 10 February 2017

W2 T1 2017 Literacy Reflection

This week for Literacy, we had to create a list. My first list is called 'Top 8 people I would like to meet and why'.

My second list is 'Top 7 places I want to go'.
This term we are reading a book called Holes. It is a very interesting book and we have done an activity for the book. We had to draw what Stanley thought Camp Greenlake was like and what it really was like. Here is my work.
The drawing on the left is what Stanley thought it would look like and the drawing on the right is what it really looked like.

I can't wait to find out what happens next in the book!

W2 T1 2017 Numeracy Reflection

This week for Numeracy, we buddied up with someone and had to ask a question and have 5 choices. Then we had to ask everyone the question and find out the most, least and make a prediction on what would get the most. My buddy was Megan and this is our work.

Our choices were Red Panda, Fennec Fox, Cat, Dog, and Goat. Red panda got 17, the highest score and Goat got 2, the lowest score.

Here is a picture of my graph.

We are very happy with our with our work, though sadly we didn't predict right. We predicted Dog, which got 16.

Friday, 3 February 2017

Welcome 2017!

Kia Ora guys!

Welcome to  2017! Last year has been a blast and I can't wait to enjoy 2017! 

This is my buddy, Billie-Jean. She is a year 5 so she will be getting her Chromebook next Tuesday. She is excited about doing her work on her Chromebook and having her own Gmail account and YouTube account.
Me and Billie

This week has been very exciting and busy, since there are new Mamakuians in Mamaku. Everyone can't wait to start using our Chromebooks next week. We took a Basic Maths test and I got up to level 7 and will be doing level 8 soon. 

Today, we did a typing test to see how good we are at typing. I did my typing test first, then Billie did. Here are our results:

Billie's Typing result
Billie is happy with her results because it was her first time and she has never done one before.

My Typing result
I am happy with my results because I did my best and I haven't gotten worse then before.

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a good year! Poroporoaki, from Hannah and Billie.